Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Family Tradition Homework

Do not forget your child's homework is due tomorrow so they can present on Friday.  We can not wait to hear about all the different traditions in your households!  Also next week is only 2 days for preschool.  Tuesday is also our winter party.  We will be sending home a winter homework packet with each child that day.  Please help them to complete the activities in the packet and return it to school our first day back in January. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Our Farm Feast!

For the past few weeks we have studied the animals and crops that are grown on the farm.  We learned many facts about what the animals give us and how we use the crops.  So on Friday we cooked a farm feast!  The children worked very hard and were very involved with the process.  They were so excited to eat the food they made that day.  They helped make scrambled eggs and pancakes.  We also made turkey bacon and drank soy milk.  I was cooking and the kids were able to come up and see what it looked like as the items were cooking.  We had never seen them eat so much for snack!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Start Smart Learning System

During the month of October we recieved our I Start Smart Learning System created by Hatch!  We have had a few weeks to become familiar with the product and we all love it!  The activities are stimulating for the children and also give Mrs. Ford and I feedback on their skill levels!  Everyone is getting ten minute time alone on the system and have been crusing along the skill sets.  It also allows us to go into the teacher side and see what skills the children have mastered and/or stuggling with at this time.  This is just another tool to help us scaffold the children to higher levels as well as support them at their skill levels.  It also shows us where we may need to provide extra support for the whole class or individuals.  Here is a list of the skill development that the system practices and assesses. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Letters and sounds

At this point we have worked on the letters A-G.  Your child should be able to label and make the letter sound for each of these letters.  Please continue to practice these letters with your child to ensure they retaining them. 

Here is a great link for you to view with the letters and their sounds!  A-Z  Enjoy!

November Newsletter

Monday, November 7, 2011

Our Field Trip to the American Royal

Last week we had the opportunity to visit the American Royal!  We were all very excited to have the chance to see many animals up close and personal as well as see a rodeo.  When we arrived the Sheriff met us and showed us some rope skills and even had one of our children help him with a trick.  The kids really enjoyed seeing all of his tricks!  We then watched a magician perfom some tricks.  From there we saw many farm animals up close and personal.  Some of these animals included cattle, sheep, horses, donkey, pigs and many more.  We also saw some animals you would not find on a farm.  These included a spider monkey, llama, camal, emu, and zebra.  We then went into the areana to have lunch and watch the rodeo.  All in all we all had a great time.  When we talked about our favorite part of the day some mentioned certain animals, others loved the cowboys, or the rodeo clown, and another favorite was just riding the bus. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Color Days!!!

To help us master our colors, we will be having designated color days.  A schedule of the days is at the bottom of this letter.  On each day, please have your child wear that color.  For example, on red day your child would wear a shirt or pants that are red. If you have any questions, please free to call, write, or email.  Thank you for your support in our colorful learning adventures.
Mrs. McCleary and Mrs. Ford

Color Day Schedule:
Monday – 9/19: Red Day
Tuesday – 9/20: Yellow Day
Wednesday – 9/21: Blue Day
Thursday – 9/22: Green Day
Friday – 9/23: Orange Day
Monday – 9/26: Purple Day
Tuesday – 9/27: Brown Day
Wednesday – 9/28: Black Day
Thursday – 9/29: Pink Day
Friday – 9/30: White Day

September Newsletter

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Please do not forget homework is due by Friday!  This is always a fun activity because the kids love to share about their families!  We all learn so much about each other when we present.  Feel free to make it as simple or elaborate as you like.  Let the children decide who or what is important to put on it.  We plan to start sharing on Friday so please send them back by then.  Once we have shared them with the class we will display them in the hall to show who makes up our classroom family! 

Do not forget to have fun working on this project together!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First day of school!

Well yesterday was our first day of class!  We all had a really great day.  We worked on setting up some classroom expectations and getting to know one another.  We learned about what happens during our day and also found out where to put our backpacks and also where to sit.  We each have our own symbol, which helps us know where to sit.  I hope everyone came home with great stories about their first day.  I know it is going to be a great year! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome Newsletter


Can you believe it is time for school to start again!  Mrs. Ford and I am very excited to begin working with all of our new preschoolers!  We met some of you this morning and will hopefully meet the rest of you tomorrow night!  Our first day of school is Monday!  Do not forget to make sure all of your paper work is turned in by Friday so your child can start on Monday.  Please remember to bring your backpack and baggie of clothes on Monday.  We will have a special place for each one of you to hang your stuff and to sit! 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dr. Seuss Celebration PM

We had a great day full of fun activities.  We read the Cat in the Hat and made hats to match.  We also had special cookies made by our cafeteria to enjoy as part of our celebration Dr. Seuss birthday!

Dr. Seuss Celebration! AM

We had a great day full of fun activities.  We read the Cat in the Hat and made hats to match.  We also had special cookies made by our cafeteria to enjoy as part of our celebration Dr. Seuss birthday!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Dinosaurs PM

What we know about dinosaurs...
They have sharp teeth
They have sharp claws.
Some dinosaurs can swim
They have long necks
They have feet and claws to dig.
They have long tails.
They have long feet and legs.
They have good eyes to see.
Sometimes they're tall.
Some dinosaurs walk in water
Some dinosaurs can make noises.
They eat meat.
What we want to know...
Do dinosaurs eat ice cream?
Do they have baby dinosaurs?
Do they have soft bones?
Did they die because they were old?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dinosaurs AM

What we know about Dinosaurs...
They eat meat.
They have sharp teeth and bite their food.
Their babies hatch.
They bite.
They have brothers and sisters.
They eat other dinosaurs heads off.
They chomp.
They have eggs.
They run fast and they chomp chomp chomp.
They stomp stomp stomp.

What we want to know...
Where can we see their bones?
Why are they extinct?
How fast can they run?
How big were they?

If you know any answers or where to help us find these answers feel free to comment and help us answer these questions!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Our Classroom Restaurant

After coming back from winter break the children voted to turned our home area into a restaurant.  We planned every aspect of it right down to the table cloths.  We sent home a letter asking for help gathering all the items that they had requested.  I kid you not the next day the children were bring things in to use in their restaurant!  We began setting it up and the children could not wait to actually begin working in their new center.  The first day it was open the children could barely contain their excitement.  Their play has been extended to such a higher level just with a little change of an area that they invested their time and thoughts in to!  Without the help of all of our families it would not be any where near the level of what the children wanted.  They are already playing so many different roles, cooking, taking orders, running the cash register, and closing the restaurant and cleaning it up for the next shift!  It is amazing what they know and how they extend it in their play!

Our new classroom blog!!!

I am thrilled to be able to add this extra way to keep our families involved in our classroom! This has been a goal of mine for awhile, but I am finally get the chance to create it and see where it takes us! I hope to post about what life is really like in our classroom and have the families be a part of it as well! It is a great tool for all of us to keep up with the children in the classroom. I can update this so much quicker and easier and also the families can dialog with myself and each other! Who know there maybe even other educators who might chime in or read about what we are up to with our lively 4 and 5 year olds!